Day Memberships
Day memberships will be available from the registration desk every day. Cost is $45 per day membership.
Art Show and Auction Info
If you're looking for information on the art show or auction, it can be found in the latest PR (which can be accessed on the side bar by clicking "Progress Reports").
We'll be accepting items for the auction at the convention on the Sunday morning. They can also be delivered in advance by prior arrangement - email for more details.
If you need further information about the art show, or would like to submit a piece, please email
Progress Report 3 Released
We're 12 days out from the con - I hope you're all looking forward to it as much as we are :)
Progress Report 3 can be found here and contains the latest programme (which has been tweaked considerably since PR2). It also contains a membership list as of about 10 days ago. If you have bought your membership since then, don't worry, we just haven't picked up your names yet. If your name doesn't appear on this list and you think it should, please contact me on and I will investigate it for you.
Another reminder about the upcoming Guests' Dinner. Full details can be found here - please RSVP by the evening of Sunday 1st April.
Tin Duck Awards Voting Now Open
It's time to vote for the nominations for this year's Tin Duck Awards. You can download the ballot paper from here.
Completed ballots may be mailed to:
Tin Duck Committee
PO Box 367
Nedlands WA 6909
Posted ballots must be postmarked no later than 3rd April 2007. Alternatively, completed ballots may be placed in the ballot box in the Registration Area of the Convention before 5pm, Saturday 7th April 2007.
Voting is open to full or attending members of SwanCon 2007. Voting is by Optional Preferential Voting. Mark as many boxes, as you wish in each category, in the order of your preference.
SwanCon Guests' Dinner - Wednesday 4th April, 2007
SwanCon 32: Inconceivable! is proud to offer the opportunity for you to join our guests in a scrumptious banquet dinner at the delicious Cinnamon Club, Leederville's newest Indian restaurant. Come and join our International Guests of Honour Elizabeth Moon and David Gerrold in an evening of conversation and feasting!
Date: Wednesday, 4th April, 2007
Time: 7pm
Cost: $50 per head, payable on the night
Location: Cinnamon Club, 228 Carr Pl, Leederville
Bookings: or 0421 138 565
Please RSVP by the evening of Sunday, 1st April and let me know if you want the vegetarian or meat banquet so I can let the restaurant know final numbers.
Quiz Night ... 2
SwanCon 32:Inconceivable! is running it's second quiz afternoon on Sunday 11th March, from 4pm onwards. Once again we're back at the Hyde Park Hotel (corner of Bulwer and Fitzgerald Streets, West Perth). Come along and enjoy yourselves - we're planning on this one being even better than the last!
Tables are of strictly no more than 8 people, at $7 a head.
RSVPs to me at would be gratefully received so we have some indication of numbers.
Hope to see you all there! :)
BBQ & Games Day
Hi everyone :)
On Sunday 4th February the SwanCon 32 committee is holding a BBQ lunch from 1pm onwards at Synergy Parkland (formally the Western Power Playground) in Kings Park. Cost is $5, and various meat and drinks will be provided. There will be vegetarian options as well. Feel free to bring along your own food contributions to support us and provide a bit of variety.
Not only will lunch be provided, but there will also be several games available to play, such as boules and croquet. Please bring along anything else you may think will contribute to the affair :)
To give us an idea of how many we are catering for, please RSVP by Friday 2nd February, indicating whether you are vegetarian or not, and if you are planning on bringing any food or games to contribute to the event.
Price Increase
Hi all,
Currently, membership to SwanCon 32: Inconceivable! costs $110 for a full membership, and $90 for a concession membership. It's been at this rate since our first price rise way back in April last year. However, we've held the price at it's current level for as long as we can, and from Thursday 15th February the price will go up $10 to $120/$100. If you were one of the many people who bought a supporting membership at last years convention, you've also got until this date to upgrade to a full membership for only $50 more. After this date, your pricing structure will fall in line with the new levels, and it will cost $80 to upgrade to a full membership, or $60 if you are a concession card holder.
Academic Stream: Call for Papers Deadline EXTENDED
Due to technical difficulties with emails, the call for papers for the Academic Stream has been extended until January 20, 2007.
If you are a student, academic or professional, we encourage you to consider submitting a paper for this exciting stream. All details at the academic page.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the academic programmer.
Movie Screening - Eragon
The first book of the Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini comes to the big screen...
When: Friday, December 15 @ 6:45pm
Where: Reading Cinemas Belmont
How Much: $10/ticket
Tickets must be pre-booked as we will be unable to hold door sales for this film.
The start time given above is tentative and will be confirmed here next Tuesday (Dec 12).
Please book your tickets through me at or by phone on 0421 138 565.
We look forward to seeing you there. :)